
ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS It’s about that time of the year when the pressure to convince players that they absolutely must sign right now...

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It’s about that time of the year when the pressure to convince players that they absolutely must sign (or commit to re-sign) right now, if they want to a guaranteed spot for next season, is at an all-time high.
That’s the teams that are generally funded by unknowing hockey families. Yes, that includes youth level super/ultra/elites all the way up to the Canadian Junior Hockey League teams with the ever-escalating player fees.
Youth teams have try-outs in the spring to try and slow down the flow of midget eligible players to junior hockey clubs. Pay-to-play junior teams will literally sign almost anything that breathes, regardless of ability, to have a full roster of paying players. The coaches are fully aware that many of the early signings will be sold off within a month of the start of the season. Yes, sold like cattle at the market.
Then there are the really shady characters that promise a roster spot, with the club’s higher-level team, if the player commits (and pays the deposit!) by a certain deadline date. 
Families also need to realize that there is a world of difference between a prospect and a camp invitee. Families should not get caught up in the hype of being invited to the super duper combines or pre-draft camps and realize what these events are really all about. The transfer of hard-earned money from your account to theirs. 
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The same goes for summer showcase teams. Look up the coach of these teams and it’s easy to quickly realize what the real purpose of these events are. Is it to showcase your player or just a quick money-maker for the coach? 
All of the above are great reasons why every family, that finds themselves in such situations, should seriously consider contacting us regarding family advisory services. In almost all cases, we are able to save our clients much more than the annual service fee. Let us help you weed through the pile of invitations and offers. When this happens, the families are essentially getting our services for free.
Book a consultation with the Victorious Hockey Company, today: https://go.oncehub.com/victorioushockeyco