
IF I WERE KING: DUMP THE DOPERS Why have we let things get so bad?

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If I Were King we would instantly address the need to implement a stricter alcohol and substance abuse policy. Aside from several serious issues over the last ten years, junior hockey has developed a party reputation that is hindering the development of an entire cross-section of prospects.
Once again, we are getting serious allegations regarding another program ignoring numerous drug allegations involving players.
This time we are hearing that it is the head coach himself facilitating the behavior.
Our game’s leaders need a new policy that simply prohibits the use of all illegal substances, by both players and on duty staff members. Such a policy would take a bite out of the number of embarrassing situations that leagues seldom even address.
In the case of today’s scenario, the question is more difficult; did the club overlook the substance use allegations and put all the underage players directly into harm’s way? Who would be responsible if there was an accidental overdose death, or even twenty?
Ultimately, parents expect some level of protection from USA Hockey and other leagues. Has the governing body of the sport provided enough oversight of these programs?
Apparently not.
For players, any illegal substance policy should cover the entire time they are active with a team, for staff members the policy needs to apply to any time when they are in a position of responsibility over the players. The policy also needs to apply to coaches, managers, general staff, and even owners.
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I feel that such a policy would also have a positive impact on the overall reputation of all levels of play.
One major issue is that leagues seem to always have a problem with is enforcement of rules and standards. In most cases it appears that the leagues have issues with even the comprehension of the rules.
The key to creating a new policy is giving somebody the power to enforce it. The penalty should be severe enough to deter players (and coaches) from taking the risk.
A 15-game suspension for the first offense should provide enough incentive to stay off the sauce. The second offense should force the offender into a substance abuse program along with half a season off. The third should simply result in a lifetime ban from the level of play. Is that severe? Yes, and it needs to be.
Coaches and owners that ignore allegations should immediately be banned from the game. It’s clear that ignoring legal obligations are also bad for lawyers as well.
Youth and junior hockey is supposed to be about player development and opportunity. Maybe a little more emphasis on that purpose, and a little less on getting hammered, would go a long way towards delivering a better developmental opportunity.
What about clubs and teams that ignore illegal substance problems? Force them completely out of the developmental levels of the game.