
IGNORANCE OF PROFANITY Nobody is going to be offended when profanity is NOT part of the conversation.

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There is no place in the game of hockey for the use of profanity. Coaches with a high degree of respect for the game, and themselves, refrain from that language.
Those that do use it are reverting back to youthful ignorance where male dominance is rarely disputed. Players have a difficult time respecting coaches that use profanity and never respond well to profanity laced tirades that tear down a kid’s self-esteem.
That’s the politically correct statement. Now let’s talk about the reality of the situation. Nobody really needs to be tossing f-bombs around like firecrackers. Use of this language is generally tied to the inability to think of anything more intelligent to say.
The issue is not entirely a coaching problem now is it. There is a video circulating where an on-ice official is heard using such language after an NHL player takes a dive worthy of a World Cup red-card. Although I agree with the penalty, the official should consider an afternoon with the Priest.
Last season, I watched a game between two 2010 birth-year teams and had to endure the ridiculousness of an overzealous parent. That parent’s lack of self-control was embarrassing. It took a tremendous amount of restraint not to ask him to move to an area of the arena that would be out of earshot of the children and mothers.
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I’m a Dad, so maybe this subject hits a little close to home.
This job requires a tremendous amount of communication. On a daily basis during a season, we expect roughly 100 calls to be answered or made. Use of the speaker is sometimes much more comfortable than pulling the phone to my ear, or using a headset. When in the car, use of Bluetooth audio is actually a law. The problem with that is the fact that my children. when they were younger, were generally within ear shot 90% of the time.
I had to become a professional at tactfully asking coaches and players to refrain from use of that language for the kids’ sake. Some got it; others find it impossible to hold an adult conversation without the use of profanity.
Now this is going to shock you. Coaches that frequently use profanity have a much lower winning percentage than those that don’t.
Here’s another dose of reality. Use of profanity on social media is an even greater indicator of ignorance. Players should all know by now that college coaches understand the value of google searches and will look at everything a prospective player has posted.
Not just players, I’ve seen a certain youth level skills coach continue to use profanity on Facebook despite a personal effort to try and curb the nonsense. Dude simply does not get it.
Junior hockey is supposed to help players with the maturation process. Intelligent speech is certainly one area the game needs to take a look at. Coaches need to grow up and realize they are influencing the lives of young men.