
THE FIVE: WORST CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR YOUR JUNIOR HOCKEY COACH With Christmas just days away, many people are still scrambling to squeeze in some last-minute shopping.

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You might think that it’s hard to go wrong with a hockey-related gift, but there are plenty of ways to screw it up.
For those still waiting to make a third-period, game-winning goal, here are some hockey Christmas gifts that are worse than a stocking full of coal.
A One-Way Ticket to Cleveland
I have been to Cleveland, so I don’t personally have anything against the Midwestern city. But there is simply no denying that it is the unluckiest sports city in America, and quite possibly the entire world.
If you wake up Christmas morning and find a one-way ticket to Cleveland among your “gifts,” someone is trying to send you a very strong message-or playing a really cruel joke.
Hair Club for Men
There’s an epidemic of hair loss among the hockey coaching fraternity, but a membership to this club may be a fast ticket to get traded to Cold Lake, or even worse, Kenai River.
Quit Junior Hockey Because of The Major Juniors Getting NCAA D1 Opportunities
That NCAA D1 stall you were eyeing just got stolen by a kid from the Western Hockey League and you are thinking what's the point? Tell your coach that, he's going to appreciate your level of enthusiasm. 
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A Free Week at the Dave Boitz Coaching Academy
The list of coaches that have found success AFTER their time under the thumb of Dave Boitz is impressive. To hear Boitz describe it, he’s the reason any of those guys were able to succeed. Spending a full week learning the ins and outs of the Boitz way should top every young coach’s Christmas List.
Your Team Issued Gear and Notice
Why: Because life is too short to wish away any more of your time.
You’re not alone. Most players have left a team to specifically get away from their coach. Even more have quit for secondary reasons that are a coach’s fault.
If your coach makes your life miserable, and there’s no hope for change, then for the sake of yourself, your friends, your family, and your teammates, look for another opportunity. There are plenty of USA Hockey and even USPHL teams in need of players.
You have no idea how amazing your life can be when you have a great coach until you have one.